Make a submission: No UCG in SA

Make a submission: No UCG in SA

image of Make a submission: No UCG in SA

No UCG in SA: Take action today

The State Government submission period for comment on the Leigh Creek Energy Underground Coal Gasification project is now open.

It is essential as many people as possible make submissions calling on the Government to halt any more approvals on this dangerous project.

Submissions close 5pm, 15 April 2019.

No UCG in SA: Take action today

The State Government submission period for comment on the Leigh Creek Energy Underground Coal Gasification project is now open.

It is essential as many people as possible make submissions calling on the Government to halt any more approvals on this dangerous project.

Submissions close 5pm, 15 April 2019.

Message to the Minister: No UCG in SA

No UCG in SA: Take action today

The State Government submission period for comment on the Leigh Creek Energy Underground Coal Gasification project is now open.

On 1 February 2019, Leigh Creek Energy requested from the State Government a three-month extension of their production period under Section 27(3) of the Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Act 2000. 

It is essential as many people as possible make submissions to Energy and Mining Minister Dan van Holst Pellekaan MP calling on the Government to halt any more approvals on this dangerous project.

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